Did you know that the largest geothermal complex in the world is in California and just two hours north of San Francisco? It also happens to help power CleanPowerSF’s 380,000 customers.
The Tour
Last month, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's (SFPUC) Power Staff toured The Geysers, a system of 13 geothermal power plants that spans 45 square miles across Sonoma and Lake Counties. It produces 725 megawatts of clean, renewable electricity—enough to power 725,000 homes or nearly all of San Francisco! During the tour, SFPUC Power Staff learned the history of the complex, how geothermal energy works, and the complicated processes required to operate and maintain such a massive facility.

The Geysers facility is owned and operated by Calpine Corporation, the nation’s largest renewable geothermal power producer. Calpine’s Geothermal Visitor Center is located in Middletown, California and is open to the public, free of charge. The Center promotes geothermal education and offers interactive displays depicting the benefits and challenges of geothermal energy.
Why The Geysers is Unique
Geothermal energy is power that comes from the heat of the earth’s core. While the earth is hot everywhere, The Geysers’ area is unique because the heat is close to the surface. The rock layers are also fractured, which allows water to get through. This allows hot water to be transported, turned into steam and eventually electricity. Because geothermal power plants like The Geysers do not burn fossil fuels, they play a critical role in helping to meet California’s clean energy and climate goals.
Our Power Programs
The Geysers is just one of the clean sources that is used to power CleanPowerSF’s 380,000 customers in San Francisco. In addition to this geothermal resource, CleanPowerSF also sources energy from wind, solar, and hydropower. You can take a virtual “tour” of CleanPowerSF’s current energy portfolio at CleanPowerSF.org/energysources.
Along with CleanPowerSF, the agency operates Hetch Hetchy Power, the City’s publicly owned utility. Municipal buildings and facilities, such as San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco International Airport, schools, libraries, and the Muni transit system – all benefit from Hetch Hetchy Power’s 100% clean, greenhouse gas-free power. Hetch Hetchy Power also provides electricity to some commercial and residential developments, including affordable housing sites.
For more information about The Geysers, visit geysers.com. To learn more about the agency’s power programs, go to sfpuc.gov/power.