Annual & Triennial Water Quality Reports
We are dedicated to protecting and maintaining your water quality.

Our water system is fortunate to have some of the best water in the U.S. Our major water source is the well-protected Tuolumne Watershed, where spring snowmelt flows from the Tuolumne River into Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. We rigorously protect and test the quality of your water to ensure that it meets or exceeds all federal and state standards for health.
Read Our Annual Water Quality Reports for San Francisco
Read Our Annual Water Quality Reports for other Local and Regional Systems
- Annual Water Quality Report - San Francisco Regional System (2023)
- Informe Anual Sobre la Calidad del Agua - Sistema Regional de San Francisco (2023)
- Annual Water Quality Report - Treasure Island (2023)
- Annual Water Quality Report - Town of Sunol (2023)
- Informe Anual Sobre la Calidad del Agua - Ciudad de Sunol (2023)
Water Monitoring Analytes for 2023
Read our Triennial Public Health Goals Report
The California Health and Safety Code §116470(b) (Attachment A) requires public water utilities serving more than 10,000 service connections to prepare a written report every three years providing information about contaminants detected at levels exceeding Public Health Goals (PHGs).