Hot Water Recirculation Pump Rebate
Last updated May 20, 2022
We are offering a $100 rebate for the purchase and installation of a hot water recirculation pump.
Hot water recirculation pumps reduce wait times for hot water to arrive at showerheads and taps, saving water and money. The pumps pull hot water from a water heater, while simultaneously sending cool water from the hot water lines back to the water heater to be reheated and reused. Pumps are either installed at water heaters or under kitchen or bathroom sinks that have electrical outlets.
Eligibility Requirements
- Recirculation pump is installed at an address with an active SFPUC water account
- The recirculation pump must be installed in a residential single-family property or a small multi-family property (up to four dwelling units).
If you have questions about which pump works best for your residence, you may want to consult with a plumber or plumbing supply store. This program does not have a qualifying product list. Recirculation pumps that operate continuously use more energy and are not recommended for this program.
How to Participate
- Your SFPUC water account number
- Photographs of the installed pump
- Digital copy of your itemized receipt.
If you haven’t applied for any previous SFPUC conservation assistance, you’ll be prompted first to register for our application portal.
Once you have registered for the application portal, click “APPLY NOW" under the hot water recirculation pump icon and complete the application process.
Complete, sign and email or mail a W9 form to the City Controller's Office at the address provided in the application.
Questions and Additional Resources
- For questions about this rebate program please email or call 415-551-4730.
- Review the Hot Water Recirculation Pump Frequently Asked Questions.
- Looking to replace your old gas water heater altogether? BayREN offers generous rebates on heat pump Water Heaters.