Project Review and Land Use - Hetch Hetchy Water and Power
Outlining the procedures for those seeking to utilize, cross, or affect SFPUC lands in San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties.

The primary purpose of the lands that the SFPUC owns is for the unimpeded operation and maintenance of our water and power system, and goals set forth in our land use policies. Any entity be they public or private, contemplating using, crossing, or affecting our lands in any way must apply for permission to do so. Applications are reviewed by a multi-disciplinary Project Review Committee. Among other things, the Committee is charged with ensuring that proposals comply with all of our existing land use policies.
The SFPUC issues written agreements to authorize third-party use of our Lands or Right of Way (ROW), whether we own the property in fee or through an easement. The type of agreement issued depends on the following: type of proposed use, whether SFPUC owns the property in fee or as an easement, and any existing rights an applicant may have on the SFPUC Lands or ROW. No third-party use of SFPUC Lands or ROW is permitted without the SFPUC’s written authorization, regardless of reserved deed rights.
For question about Project Review in San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties, please contact
Project Review
Depending upon the proposed project’s complexity, this process can take months. Please plan accordingly.
- Project Review starts with an application.
All requested supporting attachments – project description, maps, drawings, and /or plans must be submitted prior to being calendared for Project Review consideration. Send completed application to
- Follow up.
After the initial application, Project Review Committee staff may reach out to the applicant with questions and requests for follow up documentation. SFPUC staff will guide the applicant through review and the authorization process should additional authorizations from other departments be necessary.
- Modifications & Entitlements
In order to protect our existing infrastructure and comply with our policies, applicants may be asked to make modifications or alterations to their proposed projects. In addition, applicants may need additional entitlements, i.e. permits or leases, from Land Engineering or Real Estate, which could require approval by the SFPUC Commission or Board of Supervisors. Therefore, please submit your applications at your earliest opportunity to avoid any delay to your project.
- Project Review Certificate
Following successful completion of Project Review, the Committee will issue a certificate. This certificate outlines required project compliance and protection measures that need to be coordinated and completed prior to project commencement. The Project Review Certificate will also enable project applicants to obtain access permits, if required, and watershed/right of way gate keys for consultants and contractors.
Land Use Policies and Plans for San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties
- CCSF Transmission Corridor Clearance Schematic
- Engineering Requirements for Utility Crossings
- HHWP Project Review Land Use Application
- HHWP Temporary Land Access Permit and Application
- High Voltage Power Line and Facility Right-of-Way Safety Guide
- Obtaining Approval to Farm, Build On, or Use SFPUC Lands or ROW
- Power Transmission Vegetation Management Guide
- Water Transmission Line Right-of-Way Safety Guide
- SFPUC Stewardship Policy