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Joost Avenue Water Main Replacement Project


Critical upgrades to our aging water infrastructure are planned for:

  • Joost Avenue between Ridgewood Avenue and Congo Street
  • Ridgewood Avenue, Gennessee Street, Forester Street, and Edna Street between Joost Avenue and Monterey Boulevard

This project will include the installation of 8" and 16" ductile iron water mains and pavement restoration.

Construction Look Ahead 

Week of September 30th

  • Excavate pits and perform service changeovers* - Joost Avenue between Congo and Detroit streets; Joost Avenue between Detroit and Foerster streets
  • Curb ramp installation - Intersection of Edna Street and Monterey Boulevard
  • Trenching for concrete restoration - Edna Street between Monterey Boulevard and Joost Avenue

Week of October 7th

  • Excavate pits and perform service changeovers* - Joost Avenue between Detroit and Foerster streets
  • Curb ramp installation - Intersection of Edna Street and Monterey Boulevard
  • Trenching for concrete restoration - Edna Street between Monterey Boulevard and Joost Avenue

Week of October 14th

  • Excavate pits and perform service changeovers* - Joost Avenue between Detroit and Foerster streets

*Service changeovers may require temporary disruption to household water supply. Advanced notice will be given.

Map showing where construction will take place on Joost Avenue

  • Construction Start: February 2024
  • Construction End: January 2026
  • Project Phase: Construction