Seacliff 1 & Seacliff 2 Pump Stations and Force Main Upgrades
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) operates a combined sewer system that collects and treats wastewater (sewage and stormwater). Originally built in the 1930-40's, Seacliff 1 & Seacliff 2 Pump Stations (PS) provide essential sewer services to parts of the Seacliff area and connect to the existing sewers under El Camino Del Mar Drive, and ultimately to our Oceanside Treatment Plant. Both facilities are at the end of their useful life and in need of upgrades.
These critical upgrades are part of the Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP), a citywide investment to upgrade and modernize our aging sewer system to ensure reliable, resilient service and ensure our system continues to protect public health and the environment.